Monday, July 4, 2011

Horrid, Rude, Nasty People

I am so surprised how rude some people can be! When I am out I really try to be polite and welcoming (I am sure that it does not always come across like that but I am sure people know I am trying at least!) I was on a tube journey home after work, it was extremely busy because it was also Gay/London pride so I understand how people could be agitated by this because believe me, I was! but the fact that some people thought they were more important and direct and shout at people in the train carriage I just think is completely unacceptable. As I was entering the train this man was about to punch another man because he didn't let his girlfriend on first I mean, come on its just a train and we are all going to get on eventually! Once I was inside and luckily sitting down, this man entered the carriage and started shouting at a woman “move down! you think you are a bloody princess” he then decided to hit her and her kid (not hardly but it is still awful) I feel so sorry for these people because firstly they were tourists and they have probably never been to London before, it gives an awful impression of the people in London and secondly because she was standing in a small enough gap so why should she have to compress herself so she cant breath standing under another man. If you don't like how packed it is then don't get on the train, walk, cycle or simply just move out of London. The situation really made me think, I really wanted to do something but there was nothing I could do. Luckily a man did stand up for her and stood in front of this nasty italian man that was shouting. I know the world is full of lovely people and there are many in London but it always shocks me that there are some people that have no manners, that look awful in the minds of others because they think of no one but themselves. Yes it is best to look after yourself first because no one else will but that does not mean that you should loose respect for the other people around you, after all you may need them one day and they may then not be there for you 
sorry to end on such a serious note, happier blog next time 
signing out, Thatmfeeling

The video above just shows how bad some people can be, I actually feel embarrassed for the woman, she is making a commotion that makes her look bad. I love the fact that the man never looses his temper and that really makes her angry!

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