Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Animal Cruelty

I read a news story this morning before I left for work and I was so shocked by it I had to read it three or four times because I just could not get my head around it! The news article was about a dog that had been bound, shot in the head forty times and then buried alive. As you can see by the picture it is extremely shocking. This poor dog managed to move enough to get its mouth out of the ground and breath and then have to stay their helpless hoping that something would get it out! I know there are some sick people in the world but this really is such a twisted thing to do. Most animals do not stand a chance against us and some of us feel the need to torture and kill animals probably because it makes these people feel big about themselves. If only they could take a good look in the mirror and see how sad, pathetic and evil they are being. The punishment that you get for killing or torturing an animal can also be just as shocking as the crime. I understand that there is a limit, I mean I accidentally killed one of my fish a couple of months ago and I do not feel that I should have to go down for manslaughter (well fishslaughter) for that but when it is a dog, horse, monkey or animal that usually has a long life span that you make the choice to take into your life then I cant get over how they can be treated. I am so glad that the dog “star” survived and I hope that the new owners will give that dog the best years of its life but it is just extremely sad to know that that is not the first case and will not be the last case. People are sick and its a shame that there is no better way to deal with them than put them in prison of give them a warning/fine. 
Signing out, Thatmfeeling 

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