Thursday, January 20, 2011

Give Me a Job (not joking!)

Okay... I have not posted for a while (sowwii!) I have been trekking around the outback saving palm trees from extinction.. (SIMPLE LIE!) I have just been rather busy with work, portfolio building and getting over being ill (so like most people in the world... minus the portfolio building!) I have recently started to build up my portfolio again as I am determined to get into the subject that I studied at university. I want to be a shop designer!!!! (and I am not kidding!) the thing I worry about is not developing at all. After meeting many people who have been to university and still millions of years later they aren’t doing what they want to do, well... that makes me rather worried that I may also fall into the rather easy trap of retail. Now its easy to say that if you are determined to do something then you will get it but I am sire many of these people were determined too. I think the problem is when you aren’t successful and you eventually give up. Now the jobs I want to get into will be tough and I know that I will receive my fair few rejections but I just pray that eventually... maybe with some time and some looking I will eventually get to where I need. (Or maybe you will read this and just give me a really well paid job!) anyway, I am just blabbering now so I shall stop and sorry that its not as entertaining as I (try) to make them but I am just plodding along with my little life.... roll on pay day so I can spend ALL of my money on bills! woo hoo this month rocks!

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