Sunday, December 12, 2010

Xfactor disappointment!

yes I have to say that I am not a fan of Matt from the Xfactor (he looks like he has slept for his whole life and he sounds like it too... a bit too much out of bed look). I find him very boring and just bland compared to the other people and their styles throughout the show (not to mention that outfit he was wearing! who puts neon yellow trousers with... well... anything!). I knew before Cher went that Matt was going to win because we seem to all vote for the safe bet on this show! (and I am told he is a rough hunk... I am still waiting to see it though) Now okay, yes I sound like an Xfactor fanatic but I really am not! (and I know that is what people say that really love the show but pretend not too! ...just once I saw and heard Cher it kept me watching over the weekends) but I am not one of these people that stops their lives for it (the 21 million of you now who you are! and I had the decency to delay my viewing by an HOUR!) you could at least just watch it on ITV player when you get home after a drunk night of madness! (or work in my case) but yes... I will not be buying Matt’s album or single as I would rather listen to Katie Price (they both moan and wine! and that is saying something!) so what a disappointing end to such a fun and mad filled show! anyway what else has been going on with me!? well I have recently created my first video after my departure from the 7GAW (I had a little tiny break just to sort my channels out) so that is done and I will link the video below and I talk about some of the news stories that have been interesting me over the past week or so (hope you like!) anyway I have a day off tomorrow (nearly today by the time I post this up) so I am going to have a day like no other! SLEEP! yay I cant actually wait!. But first I think its a candle lit film time so blog again soon! (Plus please let me know what you think of the background and logos... I know they are very different than the last ones but I hope they are a grower!) Blogging love, Thatmfeeling

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