Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I will be sober!...

Christmas has just passed (and oh how it went by quickly!) and New years is approaching! I have decided this years welcoming will be a time for change (I say it but if it actually happens, I have no idea!) I have decided that I want a calm new years away from the over priced drinks and screaming mad people that I actually have no idea who they are. (I only want to share my new years with you and the other people on the internet!!) for the past three years I have spent them down at Embankment watching the London eye fireworks (with many bottles of champagne and drunken loonies) and, even though the fireworks are brilliant... waiting for a ten minute display from 7pm is not my idea of fun (especially when you have ugly half naked guys trying to throw beer at you and the surrounding people all night long!) so as I want the next year to be about change, I thought what better way to start it with a different years introduction. New years are amazing though... I have had my fair share of odd and amazing new years. Some years the run back to the flat after the fireworks have been even better than the fireworks themselves and other years they have been very painful... Like the time I pushed this horrible cow off the tube train because she was so rude to everyone trying to get out (Yes I know what a great citizen I am!) or the time I laughed at a fat person running and then I fell over and smacked my face into the path (I deserved it!) yes, New Years have been fun and drunk but it is about time that I actually remember one properly! (and not have to stay in bed for days after!) I hope all of you have a great new years and that it takes you a short while to recover after :P
Also! I have just created a look-back at 2010 on my youtube channel.. check the link out below. x

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