Friday, February 11, 2011

Lady Gaga Was Born That Way!

The Lady that the world knows, Grandmas and all has just released her first single from her official second album! It is what everyone is talking about, good or bad so I am going to join in the band wagon (like I said I would)! And I will give you my view!
In all honesty, when I knew the song was going to be released I did not think much of it. I thought it would be over hyped and that it would be “good” I have to say that I am glad that I had this opinion because I rather like the single. I do not think it is her best work (I have never really given a review and said any song is) but I know that it is a grower! The beat in this song is amazing and it will be an excellent club song to dance to. I also love the fact that it has a very summery feel (I am really into summer at the moment and cant get enough of anything that has a hint of summer in it!) 
Without sounding too nasty, I really hope that her album does not sound like this song. I love it but I just think that it would be too much to have more of that (and Ms Gaga has some similar sounding songs to each other on her first album) 
Generally I would say it is worth the buy. Its going to be played everywhere so you may as well get use to it and I am not the hugest fan of Gaga so you can trust me when I say its good for the song rather than just because it has been released by her (I love her and hope she continues her success but I don’t cry if I look at a poster of her like many people would) I hope it does get to No. 1 (it will) and nock all the crap that is on the charts off at the moment (Minus Adele because she is just AMAZING!!) Go Gaga!


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