Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Blog That Was A Blog

Today has been such a strange day. Everything seems to be completely different today. I had to call in sick for another day at work as my migraine is really killing me. I have had these sharp pains for about five days now and even though they are starting to go, it still makes you feel a little weird. The water pump at my place has also blown so I have no water pressure which is brilliant! Because there was no pressure it means one thing, bath time. It is so rare for me to have a bath, I am use to being quick, having a shower and getting on with my life. When you have a bath everything runs slowly and you get into thinking to things. I even had music playing because I knew if it took that long to run the sodding bath then I was going to have my time with it! So not only has my day not followed routine with the usual things I do, it seems to not follow routine in thought too! (I sound like a nut case!) I am not sad but I do not think I am happy either (I honestly think it is because I have not been to work and I am so use to going to work and not stopping.) Once I got out of the bath I just sat on my bed for a while and because I felt really hot and a bit light headed I opened the window and turned all the lights off. Really randomly it was so good. Fresh (ish) air and not one single person. I felt really happy to be in London but felt like I was in the struggle to change to the next chapter in my life. Its a weird feeling and I know me being “ill” does not help (giggles to himself) anyway I guess I am writing this to myself to remind me that I need to do things like this more often. It was odd but great to have a change and just sit and do nothing whilst looking at the orange clouds, empty roads and the occasional train pass by. It was great as well because you can see the tip of the Shard in the distance which, to me also symbolises that things are changing. The Shard is my baby that I have witnessed grow from nothing but the plans on paper to the huge elegant monster that has invaded onto our skyline. It shows you that big things can happen and change and reminds me that I really want to be along for the ride.

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