Saturday, December 13, 2008


The comments on this blog this week have outnumbered any in its history. I must admit to not having time to reading all of them (I do have a job aside from this and my other writing). I have no issue whatsoever with people wanting to use this blogs comments section to vent and get their frustrations fact, I encourage it.

However, I do ask that you do not make derogatory comments about people, what they wear and what they look like. If it was you they were talking about, you would not like it and would be hurt.

I have no issue with people bring VALID arguments to the table...but don't many any disparaging remarks about individuals...unless they are charging $75 above face vale.

I don't believe in censorship whatsoever but if comments overstep the line, I will delete them. However, as far as I am concerned, when people speak from their heart, express their genuine disappointment and heartache, then you can't go wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Lastly, I do not expect anyone to agree with me on everything, differing opinions are welcomed.

Back to writing...


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