Monday, February 23, 2009

Cruefest 2009 Announcement Coming...Who Cares

Hot on the hells of an unimpressive 2008 tour, Motley Crue (for reasons I can't quite figure out) are on tour now (not selling out) and plan on announcing the 2009 edition of Cruefest.


Let's make one thing clear. Motley has the potential to be a great band. Hell, even if they were to play nothing but the classics, how many times can they do this before people stop caring?Let's make one thing very clear, Motley Crue at their best is when they come out and assault your sense every way imaginable. This is what they did in 2005. Then they got lazy, started bringing more acts on the road with them, started charging more and playing less. They got lazy and until they step it up, count me in as completely uninterested.

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