Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Its All About M-E!!

Well hello there! it feels like it has been ages since I last created a vlog, sent a tweet and took a photo for Dailybooth! Well that is because it has been ages! My life has just got a million times more busy and there just does not seem to be enough hours in the day to fulfill all the things that I want to do! Okay So I decided that I would wrote two blogs tonight to let you know firstly what is going on in my life and secondly to talk about something that everyone seems to be talking about..(oooh I hear you say!) well I will leave that all for the next blog. 
Yes so I have been away and this is mainly because I have gone into a new job which is more demanding but pays more! (maybe I will not be poor now!) anyway whilst this is going on I have been using my days off to see friends, rest and try and detox from the world of work so I have not been creating any videos recently. I also am taking this break as a chance to review and gain some more creativity (I have probably lost it all ha!) I think sometimes when people vlog and pollute the internet with... well Shit that it can get rather annoying... I could mention some names here but I am lovely so I shall not but we all know who they are! so it is also a bonus to give some time to ma peeps! Anyway with the excitement of my job I am sure I will be back videoing soon with some new random experiences and share my pain! 
Anyone that is reading this and is actually interested (probably no one!) Thank you so much for all your help and pushing my videos and blog forward! They are both growing and I really do take an interest in it! I hope that they continue to grow and that I can give you more! :D 
Signing out! Thatmfeeling 

The latest video from my Yotube channel 

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