Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Criterion Collection: A Step Above The Rest

Sometimes films may not jump off the screen at you, but they will remain in your mind long after seeing them. This is how I feel about almost every Criterion Collection DVD I watch. For those not in the know, Criterion is a boutique DVD (once Laserdisc) distribution company who focus on great art {Wiki link}. My first paycheck at my first “real” job went towards a combo Laserdisc/DVD player. At the time, the lines had been drawn in the sand and DVD had not been fully embraced by all of the major studios, so I covered my back and got a player that played both. I still have a slew of Laserdiscs and they’re the musical equivalent of vinyl. DVD gives a better presentation, but so many of the extras on those original Laserdiscs were never moved over to DVD, including some killer extras on both the Raging Bull and Taxi Driver laserdiscs.

In short, I’ll watch anything Criterion puts its name on. It’s the highest sign of quality when it comes to film. I may not even like the film, but it’s worth seeing and often discussing. Thanks to my wonderful library system and Netflix, I’m divulging all sorts of titles I never thought I could afford, let alone see. So many people are turned off by subtitles, but trust me on this, if you give these films a chance, they will stick in your brain far longer than some mundane romantic comedy you’ve seen a dozen times and don’t even like.

What I love about movies more than any other art form is their ability to show you different shades of the world and life. The truth is that as often as we like to think that we’re open to new cultures and discoveries, many of us are secure and safe in our own little world. Film has a way of making people’s lives and experiences come to life. We learn that despite cultural and even continental differences, at our cores, we are all humans who yearn for love, live our lives in fear and seek acceptance.

Get ready for the ride and reviews…

All Criterion movies can be bought on dvd directly from their website at this link.

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