So it is official! We only have a year to go until the Olympics hit London! As you know by now I seem to get excited about anything London! I love the city so much and I am still very glad that London has a chance to host the Olympics again after all this time. One thing that has surprised me if I look back all of those years ago is the design of the stadium. I am not sure if many of you will remember the original design that was used to win the big but it was a breathtaking stadium that looked like the bud of a flower made of glass. Sadly we never got this design and to be completely honest, if I was older I would have probably realised that even when they were showcasing the designs. The stadium would have been ultra expensive and only a place like Beijing or Dubai would have truly gone for a design so extravagant. The new stadium however, white, clean, smooth and just simple yet effective! I really am growing towards the design and I cant wait for them to “wrap” the stadium to get rid of the one thing that I think makes it slightly ugly, the fact that you can see its underside! once this is gone I really do believe that the stadium will be up there with some of the best designed stadiums! yes it is not actually that hard to be up there as I swear that there are only four stadiums that really stand out in the Olympics history. People are going to judge and I think this was very apparent from the offset of the Beijing olympics. I do not think it is a competition and even though I really enjoyed the Beijing olympics, the stadium and the amount of money and effort that went into the games, I think that London will give a very different yet brilliant show. I understand that the Olympics is about sport however I am not a huge sport fan, I am interested in the architecture, benefits and ideas that come with the games so sadly that is all I can talk about (you will have to go to a sports blog if you want all this sporting crap!) It is not just the stadium that stands out in the architecture of the games.

There are three other structures that are screaming about and I shall talk about two. The third one that I will miss out (because I have already talked about it) is the London orbit click the link to see my take on this sculpture thing! The second of the three buildings is the aquatics centre. This building is so sexy! I mean look at it! okay, it does have wings at the moment which I think do not do the building any justice but the nice thing is that you can still see the main part of the building all shiny in between. Once the games are over those rather nasty cardboard wings will be removed and glazed over to create large windows on each side. These windows will reveal the massive sweeping roof which will really define the building and give it that ultra sexy look. Like it was in the Beijing olympics, I think the aquatics centre architecture will be focused on a large amount throughout the games. 
The third and final building in my rather long talk is the velodrome (yes I did have to look that up because I completely forgot what it was called!) now this building is a cool one because it just reminds me of a pringle! what I really like about this sexy pringle is that the sides are cladded in some sort of pine wood which makes it stand out when you are on the ground! That and the fact that the roof itself could have an article dedicated to it! All in all I think the architecture is a mixed bag of sweets. Some are amazing like the buildings that I have mentioned above and some are rather gross to be completely honest with you, no names mentioned as I am sure that you can see them for yourself. I shall be counting the days down to the games, will you be!?
Thank you for reading and lets have it! one year until the games! signing out, Thatmfeeling