Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ellie Goulding: Bright Lights

I have to admit that recently I wanted to buy an album, I didn't care what album it was I just needed to listen to some new music (wow I sound like a music junkie!) a singer that I had not heard much about. As I was browsing away on iTunes I come across Ellie Goulding and at first I thought “no she annoys me” but as I was looking at all the other albums I started to think to myself that actually the album sounded far better than any of the other releases that I had just previewed. I clicked buy and let me tell you that I do not regret the decision at all! The album is amazing and I really cant get enough of it! Yu can listen to it in the background, in the shower, in a club, out loud, it just wors everywhere! “Believe me” is so happy and swishy, its light hearted and is one of my many favorites on the album. “Animal” is more upbeat and danceable, it is a great song that I could go mad to in a club (and I think I have actually!) “little dreams” is again a really strong song for me. I love the lyrics and really understand what she is going through. (not that I am one for falling in love!) What surprises me though is that she has managed to turn these feelings (of what I actually assume to be negative feelings) into a fun funky song with a great beat! Now I could talk about every song on the album because I honestly think they are all great, every single one (and if you know me then you would know how hard it is for me to come across an album that firstly, I like from the start and also an album that I like every song in general!) The final song that I am going to talk about is “Under the sheets” I just love it and think that this is probably the best song on the album (if I really had to choose just one song!) Ellie Goulding’s voice is amazing and I don't know what it is about the song but it just sounds great! amazing tune, amazing beat and just amazing feelings from it. I have to say that this album has had such a big impact on my life as it makes me so happy and feel so good so I have Ms Goulding for this! (I LOVE YOU!) anyway before I blabber on even more I will say one last thing. If you do not have it, buy it!!! She is going to go very far! LOVE

Signing out, Thatmfeeling

If you have not listened to her songs then start here! click on the youtube link above and let me know what you thin of her!

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