Until Alo’s episode, I really did not like this guy. I know it is part of the character’s personality but the guy just seemed pointless and rather gross. I am not really a fan of the humor from him and I really was not particularly looking forward to his episode. When it was turn to see the world of Alo it was really nice to see him grow up at the end. His mother is an absolute bitch and it really made me feel for him (because my mum is so great!) but yes I have to admit that under all those grotesk clothes and extremely pale skin lies a guy that I am starting to like and I look forward to seeing what happens to him in season 6
Grace - Jessica Sula
Well... what can I say! I absolutely love this girl! she has my humor and is just as crazy as I am! I cant get enough of her. The part where she starts to dance with that old stripper woman in her episode made me laugh and then cry! I loved Grace from the start so when it come to her episode I was really looking forward to it! I even love the mum! they are a complete bunch of freaks and I am SO EXTREMELY thankful that my family are nothing like that! Hats off to Jessica Sula who plays Grace to a T!
Nick - Sean Teale
Okay... well this is where I have to be honest with you. I liked the guy at the start of the program because he is rather attractive (I think) and I thought he would be a great play throughout but the more I watch skins the more I think he is completely pointless and just there to aid that whore that I will speak about in a bit! I just do not think that Nick gets anything! I liked his episode where he managed to sort out his life and quit rugby at the end but I just thought “I want you to go off the rails and do something stupid like shave your head and get tattoos” I am not a fan but lets see what happens in the next few episodes.
We all like the dark mysterious types and Matty is one of these! I cant say that I cared for him at the start because he was barely in it but I do like this character. He is made out to b the rather strange one yet I think he has his head screwed on more than any other character! I cant wait to see what happens with him (and if they kill him off in season 6 as they seem to do with a character... I will kill them!)
LOVE! LOVE and more LOVE! I think it is because I know people like her but she would be such a great friend and person to hang out with. I feel sorry for her because she seems to have many problems yet they aren't actually her problems... they are problems that she has got caught up in with other people. I liked her at the start and I am loving her at the end!
Rich - Alexander Arnold
I did not think I would like him at the start but that lasted about 5 mins and then I loved him. Again, I know people like this but he has such a great slow sense of humor and ends up in situations that you just WANT him to end up in for those great Skins moments! I wish he would cut his hair though!!!
Franky - Dakita Blue Richards
She is a lesbian!!! no she is not! but she is! Franky is the first character we meet in Skins and I would not have it any other way. I really really like her! I swear that there is far more to her than the program is letting on... YET... I will be waiting patiently to see what exactly happens to her. I even lover her look and everything that comes with it
Mini - Freya Mavor
BITCH! - yes I know t is horrible but she is a cow and the program makes me want to see her have an eating disorder and be unhappy! I was not too into her when she was in the first episode and I actually hate the cow near the end. I hope there is some really big story for her where her life comes crashing down!... sorry but there is always one lol!
okay so that is my roundup of the skins characters! I am sure that you may disagree but lets see how much this changes by the end of this season and the next season! Yay for skins and I cant express how happy I am for season 3-4 to be gone!