Okay so I am finding the news very boring now (I do not usually!). Every year we have the same news “The UK comes to a stand still because it is snowing!” (I do also love the people that shout “OMG its snowing” like no one else nows) and every year you would think they (they as in the controlling people!) would learn from mistakes or things that were done the previous year but it does not seem like anything improves. I completely understand that if it snows then there will be disruption because everything is slippery, dangerous (I would know I slip down many slopes on my way around London) but do we really expect mass long delays and problems such as this. I think that maybe they should just blast salt bombs over London so all the snow melts (how fun would that be! you are out drunk.. you hear a loud explosion and then suddenly you get covered in salt!) or maybe heat Heathrow airports runways (also why is the most important airport that seems to have the problems!) anyway, I guess I will post something very similar next year when exactly the same thing happens because I guess it will tae something very huge and problematic for companies, the government and other people to put new things in place! (roll on summer is all I can say!) We are all a funny bunch though because we (British people mainly) do talk about the weather SO much! if its sunny it is in the news because its such a rare occurrence and when it rains it is in the news because maybe it flooded betties drive way and now her car has sailed down the road. Anyway... bring back the news stories about cows giving birth and the dog with one leg that learnt how to walk again... make us happy news people!!