Yes it is!!! ... I got an iPod nano for Christmas and I have to say that I am in love with the thing (like you naturally are with anything from Apple!) but the one thing that amuses me is that the bloody thing is so small!... I plugged my huge headphones (yes I look cool like a DJ!) into the thing and then managed to loose the iPod! when I went to turn the thing off I had to follow about 10 metres of cable to actually find where it was! Half an hour later I have managed to turn the thing off but now I do not dare unplug the headphones or I may never find it again!. I am so glad I never got the shuffle! I swear if you went out running with it (like you see on tv and the adverts but I am sure no one actually does that) the only way you would know that the thing has just pang (yes pang!) off onto the street is the fact that the music in your ears has stopped playing! but by then it would be too late! you would not see the player for a spec of gravel on the road. Being small and light has its bonuses but Apple will it get to the point where there the player is so small that we cant even turn it on? or if we sneeze then the ipod will blow into the wind forever!? (okay I am just blabbering now and actually woke up to write this!)(SAD!) but it really did interest me on my quest to turn off my iPod... How small will they get (eventually there will be no way to plug them in!... you will have to charge them by blowing on it (and try not to loose it)) anyway... off to bed I go!... Sweet dreams and happy iPod hunting...