Okay now there are two versions of the same program either side of the pond! Has America outdone the British version and what about series 5 of Skins? Well, there are so many questions to ask and so many to answer! After watching four seasons of British Skins I did not hold much hope for season 5. Seasons 1&2 were amazing with the original characters and the dark, gross disturbing lives that they lead. Well, seasons 3&4 completely ruined the skins legend. Its not because of the change of characters, well to be honest with you...it is. I have no problem with them changing the cast but the cast and story lines were awful. Everything was exaggerated and the best bits of the first two seasons seemed to be erased and made bigger to keep the public watching. Skipping over to the US version, It is completely awful. Watching season 1 of US skins sadly makes me really like seasons 3&4 here! Skins is a program that America simply cannot remake. It is too dark, grimy, disturbing and “real” for America to have a decent shot at reproducing it. The version is too glamourous, happy, sweetened and just had everything that Skins is really about sucked out of it. I usually like American programs & remakes but this is one that I just simply HATE. Swimming back to the UK, Season 5 was surprisingly good! I love the new characters and I love the order that they have been placed in. Clearly some thought has gone into this season and I look forward every week to watching the program. It was always going to be a make or break for season 5 because if it was awful it was guaranteed that people would start switching off. This seasons cast simply erase the fact that seasons 3&4 ever existed and to me continue off from season 2 where the program was great. If you are from America and you have not seen the UK (ORIGINAL) version then I strongly recommend watching it because once you see the original version you will never switch on to the crap that you were watching before. Yes, I will give the US version a chance and will watch the whole season but its just simple ... it will never be as good as the first. The attitude and darkness would just get banned in America. Love skins and keep on watching Season 5!