yes it is very sad when someone dies and my thoughts go out to the family (well unless it is Ian Huntley or Myra Hindley, then its claps all the way) (Even though I really do like the art work of Ms Hindley made up of kids finger paintings!) Okay I know that is harsh but I genuinely do actually like the art work! it kinda has a f*ck you attitude to it (to Hindley) but yes its striking and I like it God damn it!!!! but anyway I am actually going off topic (not to self that I want to do a blog on Myra Hindley!) anyway in the news today was an article about some has been wanna be celebrity that died under the knife today (or whenever it actually was as the article did not state it (or maybe I just didn’t read it)) but it is made out to be some sort of horrid thing that has happened. Yes it is awful that she died and I would never wish death upon anyone (well not many people!) but she DID go under the knife for boob jobs SIX times! yes! the news story would have been much more tragic if she actually died because she fell into a fountain in a shopping mall because she was texting! but NO she died because she felt that she needed to have SIX (YES! SIX!) boob jobs so that she could stay famous. Well I am sorry but she must have known the risks, she was clearly fame hungry and VERY greedy (I mean come on look at her boobs!!! there is enough there to share with the population of Spain!) sorry, I know I sound like I am being completely harsh when some one has died (I am sure she was nice) and if she was not then I am sure she was nicer than Ian Huntley! but please news reporters!... Do not make this story into some really sad “fell sorry for her” news story... She was a porn start who wanted massive titties so that she could stay in the public eye! If someone said to me “look if you text and walk then there is a slight chance you may fall over and hurt yourself... or even fall into a fountain and end up on youtube where everyone will laugh at you” then I understand those risks and if that happened then I would understand and deal with that situation (or not. in some cases) oh that was so harsh... sorry forgive me. My thoughts are with the family, not with the media!