Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sadly Happy!

Okay so I have no idea what happened today! It started out such a bad day with me being late for work for silly flat reasons and then finally managed to turn out to be a good day! No stupid people running into me like maniacs and no people asking me ridiculous questions like “do you sell clothes?” seriously! I am not even going to get started with that! However I was a developing dark shade of brown which I only discovered as I got home! Lesson to all, just do not use fake tan! I also managed to get a vlog up which I managed to create around the Xfactor result (Sad I know but ooo how emotional!) Thats how I feel every time I pick something to wear out of my cupboard (closet)! Anyway if you have not already seen it or are thinking! “Wait...this freak creates vlogs too!?” then yes I do and I shall link it to the page below (or above I have no idea where the bloody thing will pop up)! Anyway take care and I am going to go and watch a candle lit film by myself!...just to finish off a day that could have been so bad!

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