Sunday, January 4, 2009

Email of the Day: January 4, 2009 (Marah content)

One thing I am not good at is posting the email responses that I get. Some are moving, emotional, insightful and at times...head scratching. I received one yesterday in response to my "Most Disappointing Albums List".

Holy shit!!!
I know the reason why you are dissapointed with this band... because they were too busy to receive you.....
Why they were too busy??? Because you sucks!! HAhahaha! It's clear man. That's the most typical excuse in the world when you don't want to do something with a jerk.

Please! Study Maths, or the black holes, another thing.. not music. And let your job, are you payed for that??? It's fuckin bored.
I pray for the day Marah disssapoint you even a little bit more. THAT'LL BE THE DAY!!!
Last thing If you want I could pay you an airplane ticket to Spain, no doubt you need it!

For the record, I could care less whether or not Marah has ever given me credentials, but in short, if they plan on only gathering exposure from the print and television media, then they are severely limiting their audience. I love Marah and want them to succeed, but their management treats them like they are the Rolling Stones with a very hands off approach. In truth, I've received far more willingness from the Rolling Stones than Marah, and anytime an artist turns down a credential (especially when you are an indie artist) you are effectively declining coverage. Like I said, I have nothing but good thoughts for Marah, they have just disappointed me with their last few records and concerts. I wish them nothing but luck on their journey.

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