Wednesday, September 17, 2008

'Zack & Miri Make A Porno' Banned Movie Poster Here

Apptly the new Kevin Smith movie is still having issues even after having a NC-17 rating overturned. Zach & Miri Make A Porno is one of the most anticipated comedies of the fall season but the poster (above) has been banned from theaters in the US because it apparently alludes to oral sex. The full story can be read here. I continually wonder for all of the growth we have made as a human race why items like this are still issues? The irony of all of this is that more people will now seek out the banned movie poster than ever would have probably seen it in the first place. If I was an artist and had something banned, I would consider it not just a badge of honor, but I'd find myself incredibly lucky and grateful...

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