Friday, May 27, 2011

Money Does Buy You Happiness

Who says that money can’t buy you happiness! It did me!!! For the first time in a very long time I managed to go shopping, and boy how it felt good! What is even better is when you can go shopping on discount! (because you do not feel guilty!) I saved so much money but I will not get into that! It made me think about a conversation that I have had with several people about money buying you happiness, and how they all agree that it does not. I honestly believe that this is a lie. I know it sounds awful for me to say it but I do think to an extent that money does. I am not talking about when people have millions of bazillions because I think that turns money into a sort of force because you do not think about money and spending, you can have what you want, when you want it and hoe you want it. When you live in a city such as London and you have to pay massive rent, an extreme amount of council tax and fork out loads of pennies for food then money plays a crucial part of our lives.. I mean we work nearly every day! why are we doing it, for fun? no we are doing it because we need money. If you did not have money (usually like me) then you are going to be unhappy because you will be receiving nasty letters from the council, you are going to homeless and to be honest you life is going to be crap! (or maybe I just feel bad and upset when I get bills!) If you have money then these worries do not exist and you can focus on your life without worrying about bills and taxes to keep you down. (in a financially stable way)Yes I do understand, like I said before that if having money is magnified and increased into millions then other things are going to make you unhappy but I think we live in a day and age where if you have no money then you aren't going to be happy (unless you are very happy and at one with nature) and to have a stable amount of money is going to put a smile on your face! I understand that some people say life is about love and family and yes it is but if you brought up your kids with no money in a field and they had to mix with people that had a few pennies then I am sure that they would not be happy (and jealous!) and yes you can love someone and I am sure that you could live in a tent in the middle of nowhere and hunt your food and bathe in rivers but lets face it... who really does that now? Anyway my point is that a little bit of everything helps in life and you cant say that it is ONLY this or ONLY that that can get you through... life is not black and white 

singing out, Thatmfeeling 

money money money money money!.... MONEY!

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